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>> Tx/Rx Transmit Receive:Wikipedia
Rx/Tx – Receive Transmit Feedhorn Matrix–Wikipedia
VSWR–Wikipedia Custom antenna feeds covering C, X, Ku, S, L, DBS, V, W, Q, Ka and Multi Band / Tri-Band Transmit Receive Feedhorns. Waveguide filters and diplexers. Models from 1 up to 112GHz for the commercial, military. A full array of standard filters and diplexers is available for the various commercial and military frequency bands. Flange Type C-Band Box = WR229, WR137 C band flange (WR-137) CPR137 other is Round European = C-120 C-Band Feed WR137 Flange / wave guide “F” type or “N” Type WR-137, WR-159, WR-187, WR-229 C-Band Feedhorn = Circular Polarity or Liner Polarity C-Band 3.4 – 4.2 GHz – 5.85 – 6.425 GHz Output = 950-1450 / 1750 MHz–Wikipedia Ku box = WR-75 Ku band flange (WR-75) Ku-Band Feedhorn WR-75 Flange / wave guide “F” type “N” Type C-120, WR-42, WR-62, WR-75, WR-112–Wikipedia KA Transmit Flange = WR28 Normal Frequency = Tx-Transmit = 29.2 GHz – 31 GHz FLANGE= WR28 Rx-Receive = 19.7 GHz – 21.2 GHz FLANGE = WR42 Ka Rx/Tx Dual cir pol feed 4 port. Tx 28.35 – 30 GHz–Wikipedia . Simultaneous LHCP and RHCP WR29 Rx 18.3-20.2 GHz LHCP WR42 Crosspol >30db isolation. Potentiometer–Wikipedia Feedhorn Systems. Adjustable voltage divider Servo Motor – COUPLING VALUE=30 DB FLATNESS = +/-.25 DB Up to 1 Kilowatt at Flange and up to 700 watts at connector–Wikipedia . SMA, N, F, Flange, 4 port, 2 port and Specific frequency. Coupling Value 20 db/ 30 db – Grooved / No groove Flange. CPRG with groove CPRF Flat. C-Band Variants and Wideband / BROADBAND coverage CROSS POL = TX and RX are on different polarities–Wikipedia COL POL = TX and RX are on the same polarities–Wikipedia See WaveGuides for more flange types. Many are “off the shelf products”. Custom designed filters and diplexers for specific customer applications are available.
Ka-Band – C-Band – Ku-Band – L-Band – DBS-Band – S-Band – X-Band–Wikipedia
General Dynamics–Wikipedia
General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies, a leading supplier of satellite and wireless communications products and services for video, voice and data worldwide. Prodelin feed components: 0200-400 BUC SUPPORT 1251 SERIES W/WR137 TX PORT 110190-2 DIPLEXER, KU BAND CO-POL RX 11.45-12.20 0850-056 FEED C-BND X-POL LINEAR, N-TYPE, 1251 0800-3729 FEED KIT DP KU 1252/53 0800-3089 FEED KU BAND W/OMT & FILTER, 1251 0800-1581 FEED KU TX/RX .6F/D, OMT & TRF, FOR 1123 0800-3796 FEED LEGS W/BRACKET, C/KU 1252/3 SERIES 0800-686 FEED STABILIZATION KIT, 1383 SERIES 0800-1469 FEED STABILIZATION KIT, 2.4M 1244 SERIES 0800-1485 FEED SUPPORT,1251 CBAND RX/O HDW NO FEED 0800-2783 FEED SYSTEM, DUAL KU POL, 1183 0800-2782 FEED SYSTEM, KU BAND SINGLE POl, 1183 0800-1462 FEED W/OMT & FILTER,SERIES 1244 0800-3753 FEED, 1.8M C Band SP Rx Only Az/El 1183 0800-3763 FEED, CIRCULAR POLARITY, C-BAND 1252/3 0800-3754 FEED, DUAL POLARITY C-BAND 0200-402 FEED, DUAL RX/O C-BAND FOR OFFSET ANTENNA 0800-1915 FEED, RX/O 2.4M 1251 KU BAND SNG. POL 0800-3755 FEED, SP C-BAND CIRCULAR RX/O prodelin 0800-1375, 0800-1290, 0800-1112, 0800-647 SATCOM Technologies offers an exciting range of new communications products and solutions backed by the same high quality and expertise you’ve come to rely on. Additional products include unique special purpose antennas for such customers as NASA and defense contractors. 0800-4791 0800-4664 – 611606207 – 611678203 – 08003754 – 08002783 – 0800277 – 0800-928 – 0800-929 – 0800-277
C-Band Rx/Tx Feedhorn Standard and Extended–Wikipedia
C-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 3.625 – 4.200 GHz and Transmit 5.845-6.425 GHz. Extended C-Band Receive 3.400 – 4.200 GHz and Transmit 5.850 – 7.025 GHz. 2 Port 4 Port (Customizable configurations and options available: Flange, Frequency, Port, Connector, VSWR, Optics, and Low PIM) WR137 CPR137 WR229 CPR 229 WR229 R 40, CPR 229G flange. F N SMA RHCP LHCP Type.
Showing all 22 results
Linear Offset C-Band Feedhorn for 1.8 Meter and 2.4 Meter Antennas. Rx/Tx Prodelin Linear Polarity 2 PORT
$649.00GD Satcom Col-Pol/Cross-Pol Linear Polarity Feed Assembly for 1.8 meter thru 2.4 meter C-Band Tx/Rx Offset Antennas. Prodelin Feed C B...
Linear Offset C-Band Feedhorn for 1.8 Meter and 2.4 Meter Antennas. Rx/Tx Prodelin Linear Polarity 2 PORT
$649.00GD Satcom Col-Pol/Cross-Pol Linear Polarity Feed Assembly for 1.8 meter thru 2.4 meter C-Band Tx/Rx Offset Antennas. Prodelin Feed C B...
Linear Offset C-Band Feedhorn for 1.8 Meter and 2.4 Meter Antennas. Rx/Tx Prodelin Linear Polarity 4 PORT
$15,900.00GD Satcom Col-Pol/Cross-Pol Linear Polarity Feed Assembly for 1.8 meter thru 2.4 meter C-Band Tx/Rx Offset Antennas. Prodelin Feed C B...
Linear Offset C-Band Feedhorn for 1.8 Meter and 2.4 Meter Antennas. Rx/Tx Prodelin Linear Polarity 4 PORT
$15,900.00GD Satcom Col-Pol/Cross-Pol Linear Polarity Feed Assembly for 1.8 meter thru 2.4 meter C-Band Tx/Rx Offset Antennas. Prodelin Feed C B...
Circular Offset C-Band Feedhorn for 1.8 Meter and 2.4 Meter Antennas. Rx/Tx Prodelin Circular 2 PORT
$699.98GD Satcom Circular Polarity Feed Assembly for 1.8 meter thru 2.4 meter C-Band Tx/Rx Offset Antennas. Prodelin Feed Tx/Rx C Band. Produ...
Circular Offset C-Band Feedhorn for 1.8 Meter and 2.4 Meter Antennas. Rx/Tx Prodelin Circular 2 PORT
$699.98GD Satcom Circular Polarity Feed Assembly for 1.8 meter thru 2.4 meter C-Band Tx/Rx Offset Antennas. Prodelin Feed Tx/Rx C Band. Produ...
Circular Offset C-Band Feedhorn for 1.8 Meter and 2.4 Meter Antennas. Rx/Tx Prodelin Circular 2 PORT
$699.98GD Satcom Circular Polarity Feed Assembly for 1.8 meter thru 2.4 meter C-Band Tx/Rx Offset Antennas. Prodelin Feed Tx/Rx C Band. Produ...
Circular Offset C-Band Feedhorn for 1.8 Meter and 2.4 Meter Antennas. Rx/Tx Prodelin Circular 4 PORT
$16,400.00GD Satcom Circular Polarity Feed Assembly for 1.8 meter thru 2.4 meter C-Band Tx/Rx Offset Antennas. Prodelin Feed Tx/Rx C Band. Produ...
Circular Offset C-Band Feedhorn for 1.8 Meter and 2.4 Meter Antennas. Rx/Tx Prodelin Circular 4 PORT
$16,400.00GD Satcom Circular Polarity Feed Assembly for 1.8 meter thru 2.4 meter C-Band Tx/Rx Offset Antennas. Prodelin Feed Tx/Rx C Band. Produ...
Circular Offset C-Band Feedhorn for 1.8 Meter and 2.4 Meter Antennas. Rx/Tx Prodelin Circular 4 PORT
$16,400.00GD Satcom Circular Polarity Feed Assembly for 1.8 meter thru 2.4 meter C-Band Tx/Rx Offset Antennas. Prodelin Feed Tx/Rx C Band. Produ...
Linear Offset C-Band Feedhorn for 3.8 Meter Antennas. Rx/Tx Prodelin Linear Polarity 2 PORT
$899.00GD Satcom Col-Pol/Cross-Pol Linear or Circular Polarity Feed Assembly for 3.8 meter C-Band Tx/Rx Offset Antennas. 50 Degree Feedhorn L...
Linear Offset C-Band Feedhorn for 3.8 Meter Antennas. Rx/Tx Prodelin Linear Polarity 4 PORT
$14,899.00GD Satcom Col-Pol/Cross-Pol Linear or Circular Polarity Feed Assembly for 3.8 meter C-Band Tx/Rx Offset Antennas. 50 Degree Feedhorn L...
Circular Offset C-Band Feedhorn for 3.8 Meter Antennas. Rx/Tx Prodelin Circular Polarity 2 PORT
$899.00GD Satcom Col-Pol/Cross-Pol Linear or Circular Polarity Feed Assembly for 3.8 meter C-Band Tx/Rx Offset Antennas. 50 Degree Feedhorn L...
Circular Offset C-Band Feedhorn for 3.8 Meter Antennas. Rx/Tx Prodelin Circular Polarity 4 PORT
$16,989.00GD Satcom Col-Pol/Cross-Pol Linear or Circular Polarity Feed Assembly for 3.8 meter C-Band Tx/Rx Offset Antennas. 50 Degree Feedhorn L...
C-Band Circular Feed Tx/Rx 800 MHz Wideband C-band
$1,200.00Prodelin C-Band linear feed system. Rx Freq 3.625~4.2 GHz and Tx Freq 5.850~6.425 GHz. C-Band Linear RX / TX Connector type N / F Li...
C-Band Linear Polarity Wideband
$1,200.00Prodelin C-Band linear feed system. Rx Freq 3.625~4.2 GHz and Tx Freq 5.850~6.425 GHz. C-Band Linear RX / TX Connector type N / F Li...
Prodelin C-Band Feed Circular Tx/Rx 1.09 VAR Circular Polarity
$1,199.00Prodelin C-Band circular feed system. Rx Freq 3.625~4.2 GHz and Tx Freq 5.850~6.425 GHz. C-Band circular RX / TX Connector type N / ...
1.3 VAR C-Band Circular Polarity
$1,199.00Prodelin C-Band circular feed system. Rx Freq 3.625~4.2 GHz and Tx Freq 5.850~6.425 GHz. C-Band circular RX / TX Connector type N / ...
Prodelin Motorized Potentiometer Feed Tx/Rx C-Band 2 PORT
$3,400.00Prodelin Motorized Feed Tx/Rx C Band Rx 3.625~4.2GHz Tx 5.8~6.42 GHz Applications include C, X, Ku, Ka band as well as simultaneous X/...
Prodelin Motorized Potentiometer Feed Tx/Rx C-Band 2 PORT
$3,400.00Prodelin Motorized Feed Tx/Rx C Band Rx 3.625~4.2GHz Tx 5.8~6.42 GHz Applications include C, X, Ku, Ka band as well as simultaneous X/...
Specialty Transmit / Receive Feedhorn X-Band 4 PORT
$16,000.00Specialty Feedhorn development. Single-band and multi-band feed systems for commercial and military SATCOM applications. radio astrono...
Specialty Transmit / Receive Feedhorn X-Band 4 PORT
$16,000.00Specialty Feedhorn development. Single-band and multi-band feed systems for commercial and military SATCOM applications. radio astrono...
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Larger Earth Station – Transmit Receive Rx/Tx Feedhorns–Wikipedia
Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive Transmit Feed Cssegrain, Dual Optics, Prime Focus 3.0 Meter – 21 Meter Feeds. (Customizable configurations and options available: Flange, Frequency, Port, Connector, VSWR, Optics, and Low PIM)
Ku-Band Rx/Tx Feedhorn Standard and Extended–Wikipedia
Ku-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 13.750-14.500 GHz. Extended Ku-Band Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 14.500 – 14.800 GHz. 2 Port 4 Port (Customizable configurations and options available: Flange, Frequency, Port, Connector, VSWR, Optics, and Low PIM) WR75 WR-75 / R 120,Flange C 120 (circular) for input with M4 thread, WR 75/ R 120 for outputs. WR-75 R 120, Flange PBR 120 with M4 thread. F N SMA Type.
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Offset 50° Ku-Band Rx/Tx Feed System Horn/OMT/TRF 2 PORT
$299.00Prodelin 50 Degree offset Ku-Band feed system. (3″ Inch diameter) Ku Band RXTX Cross Pol Feed. Do you have a 50 degree antenna? ...
Offset 50° Ku-Band Rx/Tx Feed System Horn/OMT/TRF 2 PORT
$299.00Prodelin 50 Degree offset Ku-Band feed system. (3″ Inch diameter) Ku Band RXTX Cross Pol Feed. Do you have a 50 degree antenna? ...
Offset Ku-Band Rx/Tx Feed System 50° Horn/OMT/TRF Ku-Band 4 PORT
Prodelin Ku-Band feed system. (3″ Inch diameter) Ku Band RXTX Cross Pol Feed F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360° ...
Offset Ku-Band Rx/Tx Feed System 50° Horn/OMT/TRF Ku-Band 4 PORT
Prodelin Ku-Band feed system. (3″ Inch diameter) Ku Band RXTX Cross Pol Feed F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360° ...
Offset 39° Ku-Band Rx/Tx Feed System Horn/OMT/TRF 2 PORT
$349.00Prodelin 39 Degree offset Ku-Band feed system. (6″ Inch diameter) 0800-3369 – 0183-631 Ku Band RXTX Cross Pol Do you hav...
Offset 39° Ku-Band Rx/Tx Feed System Horn/OMT/TRF 2 PORT
$349.00Prodelin 39 Degree offset Ku-Band feed system. (6″ Inch diameter) 0800-3369 – 0183-631 Ku Band RXTX Cross Pol Do you hav...
39° Horn/OMT/TRF Ku-Band Feed System 3 PORT
Prodelin Ku-Band feed system. Ku Band RXTX Cross Pol Feed (6″ Inch diameter) F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360�...
39° Horn/OMT/TRF Ku-Band Feed System 3 PORT
Prodelin Ku-Band feed system. Ku Band RXTX Cross Pol Feed (6″ Inch diameter) F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360�...
Offset 50° Ku-Band Horn Only (3″Diameter)
$99.99Prodelin 50 Degree offset Ku-Band Horn Only. (3″ Inch diameter) Feed. Do you have a 50 degree antenna? Used on smaller offset VS...
Offset 39° Ku-Band Horn Only (6″Diameter)
$149.00Prodelin 39 Degree offset Ku-Band Horn Only. (6″ Inch diameter) Feed. Do you have a 39 degree antenna? Used on larger offset V...
Prodelin TRF – Transmit Rejection Filter Ku Band
$99.00Prodelin Ku-Band feed system. Ku Band RXTX Cross Pol Feed F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360° Continuous – Polari...
Prodelin OMT Ku Band
$199.99Prodelin Ku-Band feed system. Ku Band RXTX Cross Pol Feed F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360° Continuous – Polari...
Prodelin OMT Ku Band
$199.99Prodelin Ku-Band feed system. Ku Band RXTX Cross Pol Feed F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360° Continuous – Polari...
Teleport and Large Antenna Multi-port Transmit / Receive Feedhorn Ku-band
Prodelin Prime Focus Ku-Band feed system. Ku Band RXTX Cross Pol Rotation 360° Continuous – Polarity Orthogonal Linear Polarity...
Teleport and Large Antenna Multi-port Transmit / Receive Feedhorn Ku-band
Prodelin Prime Focus Ku-Band feed system. Ku Band RXTX Cross Pol Rotation 360° Continuous – Polarity Orthogonal Linear Polarity...
Teleport and Large Antenna Multi-port Transmit / Receive Feedhorn Ku-band
Prodelin Prime Focus Ku-Band feed system. Ku Band RXTX Cross Pol Rotation 360° Continuous – Polarity Orthogonal Linear Polarity...
Teleport and Large Antenna Multi-port Transmit / Receive Feedhorn Ku-band
Prodelin Prime Focus Ku-Band feed system. Ku Band RXTX Cross Pol Rotation 360° Continuous – Polarity Orthogonal Linear Polarity...
Teleport and Large Antenna Multi-port Transmit / Receive Feedhorn Ku-band
Prodelin Prime Focus Ku-Band feed system. Ku Band RXTX Cross Pol Rotation 360° Continuous – Polarity Orthogonal Linear Polarity...
Teleport and Large Antenna Multi-port Transmit / Receive Feedhorn Ku-band
Prodelin Prime Focus Ku-Band feed system. Ku Band RXTX Cross Pol Rotation 360° Continuous – Polarity Orthogonal Linear Polarity...
Large Prime Focus Earth Station Rx/Tx Feedhorn Ku-Band
$3,195.00Prodelin Prime Focus C-Band linear feed system. Rx Freq 3.625~4.2 GHz and Tx Freq 5.850~6.425 GHz. C-Band Linear RX / TX Mounts to 4...
Large Prime Focus Earth Station Rx/Tx Feedhorn Ku-Band
$3,195.00Prodelin Prime Focus C-Band linear feed system. Rx Freq 3.625~4.2 GHz and Tx Freq 5.850~6.425 GHz. C-Band Linear RX / TX Mounts to 4...
Large Prime Focus Earth Station Rx/Tx Feedhorn Ku-Band
$3,195.00Prodelin Prime Focus C-Band linear feed system. Rx Freq 3.625~4.2 GHz and Tx Freq 5.850~6.425 GHz. C-Band Linear RX / TX Mounts to 4...
Large Prime Focus Earth Station Rx/Tx Feedhorn Ku-Band
$3,195.00Prodelin Prime Focus C-Band linear feed system. Rx Freq 3.625~4.2 GHz and Tx Freq 5.850~6.425 GHz. C-Band Linear RX / TX Mounts to 4...
Large Prime Focus Earth Station Rx/Tx Feedhorn Ku-Band
$3,195.00Prodelin Prime Focus C-Band linear feed system. Rx Freq 3.625~4.2 GHz and Tx Freq 5.850~6.425 GHz. C-Band Linear RX / TX Mounts to 4...
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Ka-Band Rx/Tx Feedhorn–Wikipedia
Ku-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 17.700 – 21.200 GHz and Transmit 27.500 – 31.000 GHz. (Customizable configurations and options available: Flange, Frequency, Port, Connector, VSWR, Optics, and Low PIM) WRD180, WR51, WR42, WR34, WR28 or WR-42. Flange PBR 220 with M3 thread. F N SMA Type.
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Ka-Band Circular- Polarized Rx/Tx Feed Assembly
$3,495.00Standard Ka-Band Circular-Polarized Rx/Tx Feed Assembly has been specifically designed for our line of offset reflectors. Electrically...
Ka-Band Circular- Polarized Rx/Tx Feed Assembly
$3,495.00Standard Ka-Band Circular-Polarized Rx/Tx Feed Assembly has been specifically designed for our line of offset reflectors. Electrically...
Ka-Band Circular- Polarized Rx/Tx Feed Assembly
$3,495.00Standard Ka-Band Circular-Polarized Rx/Tx Feed Assembly has been specifically designed for our line of offset reflectors. Electrically...
Ka-Band Linear Polarized Feed System
Prodelin Ka-Band feed system. General Dynamics KA Circular polarity Feedhorn – Rx/Tx Normal Frequency = Tx-Transmit = 29.2 GH...
Ka-Band Linear Polarized Feed System
Prodelin Ka-Band feed system. General Dynamics KA Circular polarity Feedhorn – Rx/Tx Normal Frequency = Tx-Transmit = 29.2 GH...
Ka-Band Linear Polarized Feed System
Prodelin Ka-Band feed system. General Dynamics KA Circular polarity Feedhorn – Rx/Tx Normal Frequency = Tx-Transmit = 29.2 GH...
Ka-Band Linear Polarized Feed System
Prodelin Ka-Band feed system. General Dynamics KA Circular polarity Feedhorn – Rx/Tx Normal Frequency = Tx-Transmit = 29.2 GH...
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K-Band / DBS-Band Rx/Tx Feedhorn–Wikipedia
K-Band or DBS-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 13.750-14.500 GHz. Extended Ku-Band Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 14.500 – 14.800 GHz. (Customizable configurations and options available: Flange, Frequency, Port, Connector, VSWR, Optics, and Low PIM) WR42 WR75 WR-42 CPR75 CPR120 CPR 229 F N SMA Type.
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K-Band Offset Rx/Tx Feed Assembly
K-Band or DBS-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 13.750-14.500 GHz. Extended Ku-...
K-Band Offset Rx/Tx Feed Assembly
K-Band or DBS-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 13.750-14.500 GHz. Extended Ku-...
DBS-Band Prime Focus Rx/Tx Feed
K-Band or DBS-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 13.750-14.500 GHz. Extended Ku-...
DBS-Band Prime Focus Rx/Tx Feed
K-Band or DBS-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 13.750-14.500 GHz. Extended Ku-...
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X-Band Rx/Tx Feedhorn–Wikipedia
X-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 7.250 – 7.750 GHz and Transmit 7.900 – 8.400 GHz. (Customizable configurations and options available: Flange, Frequency, Port, Connector, VSWR, Optics, and Low PIM) WR112 WR75 WR-112 WR112 R 82, Flange PBR 84 with M4 thread, CPR 112G flange as option F N SMA Type.
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Prodelin X-Band Feed Systems
Prodelin X-Band feed systems. Fully integrated Front End / Transmitter Assemblies to interface between Receiver, Transmitter, and Ant...
Prodelin X-Band Feed Systems
Prodelin X-Band feed systems. Fully integrated Front End / Transmitter Assemblies to interface between Receiver, Transmitter, and Ant...
Prodelin X-Band Feed Systems
Prodelin X-Band feed systems. Fully integrated Front End / Transmitter Assemblies to interface between Receiver, Transmitter, and Ant...
Prodelin X-Band Feed Systems
Prodelin X-Band feed systems. Fully integrated Front End / Transmitter Assemblies to interface between Receiver, Transmitter, and Ant...
Prodelin X-Band Feed Systems
Prodelin X-Band feed systems. Fully integrated Front End / Transmitter Assemblies to interface between Receiver, Transmitter, and Ant...
Prodelin X-Band Feed Systems
Prodelin X-Band feed systems. Fully integrated Front End / Transmitter Assemblies to interface between Receiver, Transmitter, and Ant...
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Global Skyware
Global Skyware’s engineering excellence allows us to quickly develop custom antennas that meet the most stringent performance requirements. Global Skyware’s manufacturing facilities produce cost competitive OEM products. Working with our LNB partners, Global Skyware can also offer a complete ODU solution. Class I: Accommodates 2.0 kg / 4.5 lb. for BUC and LNB or 2.2 kg / 4.8 lb. for Transceiver Class II: Accommodates 3.6 kg / 8 lb. for BUC and LNB Class III: Accommodates 11 kg / 25 lb. for BUC and LNB. 611608407R – 611618421 – 611608421 – 611606010 – 611678301 – 611606207 – 611678203 – 611678204 – 611678308 – 611608407R
Tx/Rx Transmit Receive
C-Band Rx/Tx Feedhorn Standard and Extended–Wikipedia
C-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 3.625 – 4.200 GHz and Transmit 5.845-6.425 GHz. Extended C-Band Receive 3.400 – 4.200 GHz and Transmit 5.850 – 7.025 GHz. 2 Port 4 Port (Customizable configurations and options available: Flange, Frequency, Port, Connector, VSWR, Optics, and Low PIM) WR137 CPR137 WR229 CPR 229 WR229 R 40, CPR 229G flange. F N SMA RHCP LHCP Type.
Showing all 5 results
C-band Offset Linear Polarized RxTx Feed Assembly
$749.00Skyware Global RxTx Linear Polarized Feed C Band Model 611618426 (connector N); Model 611618421 (connector W137). Rx Freq 3.625~4.2 GH...
C-band Offset Circular-Polarized RxTx Feed Assembly
$749.00Skyware Global RxTx Feed Circular Polarized Model 611608407 (connector N), Model 611618407 (connector W137). Rx. Freq 3.625 ~ 4.2GHz a...
C-band Offset Circular-Polarized RxTx Feed Assembly
$749.00Skyware Global RxTx Feed Circular Polarized Model 611608407 (connector N), Model 611618407 (connector W137). Rx. Freq 3.625 ~ 4.2GHz a...
4 Port Multi-Band Motorized Potentiometer Feedhorn
4 port C and Ku Band Motorized Feedhorn is designed to provide simultaneous reception of the C and Ku Band. The feedhorn is typically ...
Skyware Global Larger Antenna Rx/Tx Linear Polarized Prime Focus Feedhorn C Band
C-band prime focus linear feed RXTX WR137 Class 1 Feed Electrically tested and matched, this die-cast feed assembly provides maximum p...
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Ku-Band Rx/Tx Feedhorn Standard and Extended–Wikipedia
Ku-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 13.750-14.500 GHz. Extended Ku-Band Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 14.500 – 14.800 GHz. 2 Port 4 Port (Customizable configurations and options available: Flange, Frequency, Port, Connector, VSWR, Optics, and Low PIM) WR75 WR-75 / R 120,Flange C 120 (circular) for input with M4 thread, WR 75/ R 120 for outputs. WR-75 R 120, Flange PBR 120 with M4 thread. F N SMA Type.
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Linear Offset Short Focal Length Ku-Band Rx/Tx Feed Horn/OMT/TRF 4 PORT
$12,900.00Ku Band RXTX Cross Pol 33 Degree F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360° Continuous -Polarity Orthogonal Linear Polarity -Tx ...
Ku band RXTX Linerar Offset Long Focal Feed System Horn/OMT/TRF 2 PORT
$299.00Ku Band RXTX Offset Cross Pol Long Focal. 611678308 – Rotation 360° Continuous – Polarity Orthogonal Linear Polarity -Tx...
Circular Ku-Band Offset Horn/OMT/TRF Ku-Band Feed System 4 PORT
Ku Band RXTX Circular Pol 33 Degree Feed Spec F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360° Continuous – Polarity Orthogonal ...
Ku-Band Linear Tx/Rx Wideband Offset Feedhorn
$299.98Ku Band RXTX Wideband Cross Pol 33 Degree F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360° Continuous -Polarity Orthogonal Linear Pola...
Ku-Band Circular RXTX Wideband Offset Feedhorn
Ku Band RXTX Circular Pol 33 Degree Feed Spec F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360° Continuous -Polarity Orthogonal Linear ...
Offset Short Focal Length Horn Only (3″Diameter)
$99.98F/D range 0.5 – 0.6 – Conical Horn Only (3″ Inch diameter) Offset antenna horn feed. Used on smaller offset satellit...
Offset Long Focal Length Horn Only (6″Diameter)
$149.00Conical Horn Only (6″ Inch diameter) Offset antenna horn feed. Used on larger offset satellite dish antenna’s (2.4 –...
Ku-Band OMT Transmit Receive Cross Pol / Col Pol OMT
$199.99Ku Band RXTX Wideband Cross Pol 33 Degree F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360° Continuous -Polarity Orthogonal Linear Pola...
WR75 Transmit Reject Filter – Compact Ku-Band
$99.99Ku Band RXTX Wideband Cross Pol 33 Degree F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360° Continuous -Polarity Orthogonal Linear Pola...
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Ka-Band Rx/Tx Feedhorn–Wikipedia
Ku-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 17.700 – 21.200 GHz and Transmit 27.500 – 31.000 GHz. (Customizable configurations and options available: Flange, Frequency, Port, Connector, VSWR, Optics, and Low PIM) WRD180, WR51, WR42, WR34, WR28 or WR-42. Flange PBR 220 with M3 thread. F N SMA Type.
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Ka-Band Extended Circular Rx/Tx Feed Assembly
$7,690.00Extended Ka-Band Circular-Polarized Rx/Tx Feed Assembly. Extended TX=28.3Ghz – 30.0Ghz RX=18.3Ghz – 20.2Ghz has been speci...
Ka-Band Standard Circular- Polarized Rx/Tx Feed Assembly
$3,690.00Standard Ka-Band Circular-Polarized Rx/Tx Feed Assembly. Standard TX=29.5Ghz – 30.0Ghz RX=19.2Ghz – 20.2Ghz has been speci...
Ka Transceiver TXCVR Feed Assembly
$499.98Global Skyware Ka-Band Fixed Terminal – 3W Ka-Band VSAT Transceiver. Enterprise-grade for 100% transmit duty cycle. Compatible w...
Ka Transceiver XRF3600 Feed Assembly
$999.00Global Skyware Ka-Band Fixed Terminal – 5W Ka-Band VSAT Transceiver. The new XRF3600 – DRC 3500 is a high performance Ka-B...
Ka Transceiver XRF3600 Feed Assembly
$999.00Global Skyware Ka-Band Fixed Terminal – 5W Ka-Band VSAT Transceiver. The new XRF3600 – DRC 3500 is a high performance Ka-B...
Ka-Band Motorized Linear Polarity Transmit/Receive Feed Assembly
F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation ±110° motorized – Polarity Orthogonal Linear Polarity – Tx Port WR28 – ...
Ka-Band / C-Band 3 PORT Motorized Linear Polarity Transmit/Receive Feed
C band Motorized Transmit Receive Feed for Skyware Global Antenna. Mounts to Skyware 1.8 and 2.4M Class III C band Tx Rx Antenna. Fiel...
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Andrew Channel Master–Wikipedia
Channel Master is the industry leader in over-the-air broadcast entertainment products and solutions for North America, providing the highest quality and value for consumers since 1949. Headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, our products are available through more than 200 distributors and thousands of retail stores worldwide.611606010 – 611678301 – 611678204 – 611678308 – 611678207 611678208r – 622678316 – 6116784-13 – 611678302c – 611678402 – 6117007-11 – 62-2433211 – 6116124-13 – 611608421 – 62-2433411L – 62-2433711 – 611611407 – 611618421 – 62-2433911L – 6116124-12 – 611618407L – 62-2435111 – 117007-04 62-2435111 – 6116124-11 – 6117007-02 SFL
Showing all 5 results
C-band Linear Polarized RxTx offset Feed Assembly
$599.00C-Band Linear RXTX WR137 or Circular RL polarized Feed Spec Electrically tested and matched, this die-cast feed assembly provides maxi...
C-band Circular Polarized RxTx offset Feed Assembly
$649.00C-Band Linear RXTX WR137 or Circular RL polarized Feed Spec Electrically tested and matched, this die-cast feed assembly provides maxi...
C-band Offset Cross Polarized RxTx Feed Assembly N-Type / F-Type
$649.00C-Band Linear RX / TX Connector type N / F Linear polarized Feed Spec Electrically tested and matched, this die-cast feed assembly pro...
C-band Offset Liner Polarized Wide RxTx Feed Assembly 2 PORT
$699.00C-Band Linear RX / TX Connector type N / F Linear polarized Feed Spec Electrically tested and matched, this die-cast feed assembly pro...
C-band Offset Cross Polarized RxTx Feed Assembly 4 PORT
C-Band Linear RX / TX Connector type N / F Linear polarized Feed Spec Electrically tested and matched, this die-cast feed assembly pro...
Showing all 5 results
Ku-Band Rx/Tx Feedhorn Standard and Extended–Wikipedia
Ku-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 13.750-14.500 GHz. Extended Ku-Band Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 14.500 – 14.800 GHz. 2 Port 4 Port (Customizable configurations and options available: Flange, Frequency, Port, Connector, VSWR, Optics, and Low PIM) WR75 WR-75 / R 120,Flange C 120 (circular) for input with M4 thread, WR 75/ R 120 for outputs. WR-75 R 120, Flange PBR 120 with M4 thread. F N SMA Type.
Showing all 8 results
Ku-Band Offset Linear Tx/Rx Short Focal Feedhorn 2 PORT
$199.99Ku Band RXTX Cross Pol smaller antenna Feed Spec F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360° Continuous – Polarity Orthogon...
Ku band Offset Linear RX/TX Long Focal Feedhorn 2 PORT
$269.00Ku Band RXTX Circular Pol 33 Degree Feed Spec F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360° Continuous – Polarity Orthogonal ...
Offset Ku Linear Wideband Short Focal Feedhorn Ku-Band 2 PORT
$299.99F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360° Continuous – Polarity Orthogonal Linear Polarity -Tx Port WR75 – Rx Port ...
Offset Ku Linear Wideband Short Focal Feedhorn Ku-Band 4 PORT
F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360° Continuous – Polarity Orthogonal Linear Polarity -Tx Port WR75 – Rx Port ...
Offset Short Focal Length Horn Only (3″Diameter)
$99.00Conical Horn Only. F/D range 0.5 – 0.6 – Conical Horn (3″ Inch diameter) Offset antenna horn feed. Used on smaller o...
Offset Long Focal Length Horn Only (6″Diameter)
$149.996″ Inch offset Conical Horn Only (6″ Inch diameter) Offset antenna horn feed. Used on larger offset satellite dish antenna...
Ku-Band OMT Transmit Receive Cross Pol / Col Pol OMT
$199.99Ku Band Andrew C-Band or Ku-Band OMT for Antennas this is a 2, 3 or 4 port Circular / Linear Polarized OMT for a Andrew Antenna RXTX...
WR75 Transmit Reject Filter – Compact Ku-Band
$99.99Ku Band transmit rejection filter RXTX Rejection: 100 dB Typ; 90 dB Min. Flanges: See Chart. Dimensions: 3.25″ x 1.5″ x 1....
Showing all 8 results
Ka-Band Rx/Tx Feedhorn–Wikipedia
K, DBS & Ka-Band – Ku-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 17.700 – 21.200 GHz and Transmit 27.500 – 31.000 GHz. (Customizable configurations and options available: Flange, Frequency, Port, Connector, VSWR, Optics, and Low PIM) WRD180, WR51, WR42, WR34, WR28 or WR-42. Flange PBR 220 with M3 thread. F N SMA Type. – K-Band or DBS-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 13.750-14.500 GHz. Extended Ku-Band Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 14.500 – 14.800 GHz. (Customizable configurations and options available: Flange, Frequency, Port, Connector, VSWR, Optics, and Low PIM) WR42 WR75 WR-42 CPR75 CPR120 CPR 229 F N SMA Type.
K-Band / DBS-Band / Multi-Band Rx/Tx Feedhorn–Wikipedia
Showing all 2 results
Ka-Band Offset / Prime Focus Dual, Three and Four PORT Feed
F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360° Continuous – Polarity Orthogonal Linear Polarity -Tx Port WR75 – Rx Port ...
Feed Systems Tx/Rx C, Ku, Ka, S, L, DBS and Multi-Band Prime / Offset
The Offset & Prime Focus Feedhorn is an old standard to Chaparral’s feedhorn family. Designed for reception of signals in t...
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ASC Signal
ASC Signal Division fixed earth stations range from 1m up to 9.4m configured in receive-transmit or receive-only mode. They offer outstanding electrical performance and exceptional versatility to support multi-beam configuration, with low-PIM capability for all X-band systems. The company’s antennas provide an extremely accurate surface contour resulting in exceptionally high gain and closely-controlled pattern characteristics. High-quality manufacturing ensures maximum durability with minimal maintenance. 611606010 – 611678301 – 611606207 – 611678203 – 611678204 – 611678308 – 611608407R – 611608407R – 611618421 – 611608421 – 611606010 – 611678301 – 611606207 – 611678203 – 611678204 – 611678308 – 611608407R – 611608003
Showing all 10 results
C-Band Linear Cross-Polarized RxTx offset Feed Assembly
$3,195.00C-band offset Linear cross-polarized feed offers a high-performance, cost-effective solution to the use of co-polarized satellites for...
C-Band Circular-Polarized RxTx offset Feed Assembly
$3,395.00C-band offset Circular Polarized feed offers a high-performance, cost-effective solution to the use of co-polarized satellites for VSA...
Tx/Rx Ku Linear Wideband Offset Feedhorn
$3,995.00ASC Signal Extended offset Ku transmit and receive feedhorn. Fits most offset dishes This is an optional add-on feedhorn iDirect VSA...
Tx/Rx C-Band Cross Pol 4 PORT Feed 4CPNC-49-206
$19,599.00Our feeds are designed to meet your requirements. These components are robust and rugged to withstand the elements. Low insertion loss...
Tx/Rx C-Band Cross Pol 4 PORT Feed 4CPNC-49-206
$19,599.00Our feeds are designed to meet your requirements. These components are robust and rugged to withstand the elements. Low insertion loss...
Tx/Rx C-Band Cross Pol 4 PORT Feed 4CPNC-49-206
$19,599.00Our feeds are designed to meet your requirements. These components are robust and rugged to withstand the elements. Low insertion loss...
Tx/Rx Large Antenna Prime Focus Multi-Band Feedhorn Linear / Circular
C- BAND FEED SYSTEMS – 2CLPC-45 CPCR-45-109 2CPWCR-45-120 2LPC-45 2LPCR-45 2LPWC-45 2LPWCR-45 2LPUC-45 4CPNC-45-206 4LPCM-45 X- ...
Tx/Rx Large Antenna Prime Focus Multi-Band Feedhorn Linear / Circular
C- BAND FEED SYSTEMS – 2CLPC-45 CPCR-45-109 2CPWCR-45-120 2LPC-45 2LPCR-45 2LPWC-45 2LPWCR-45 2LPUC-45 4CPNC-45-206 4LPCM-45 X- ...
Tx/Rx Large Antenna Linear Prime Focus Wideband Feedhorn
$5,400.00ASC Signal Extended offset Ku transmit and receive feedhorn. Fits most Prime focus dishes This is an optional add-on feedhorn iDirec...
Tx/Rx Large Antenna Linear Prime Focus Wideband Feedhorn
$5,400.00ASC Signal Extended offset Ku transmit and receive feedhorn. Fits most Prime focus dishes This is an optional add-on feedhorn iDirec...
Showing all 10 results
Ku-Band Rx/Tx Feedhorn Standard and Extended–Wikipedia
Ku-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 13.750-14.500 GHz. Extended Ku-Band Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 14.500 – 14.800 GHz. 2 Port 4 Port (Customizable configurations and options available: Flange, Frequency, Port, Connector, VSWR, Optics, and Low PIM) WR75 WR-75 / R 120,Flange C 120 (circular) for input with M4 thread, WR 75/ R 120 for outputs. WR-75 R 120, Flange PBR 120 with M4 thread. F N SMA Type.
Showing all 8 results
Tx/Rx Ku Offset Linear Cross Polarization Feedhorn Short Focal
$399.00ASC Signal short focal. Used on smaller dish antennas 75cm – 1.8 meter offset Ku transmit and receive feedhorn. Fits most offs...
Tx/Rx Ku Offset Linear Cross Polarization Feedhorn Long Focal
$1,200.00ASC Signal long focal. Used on larger dish antennas 2.4 meter – 3.8 meter offset ku transmit and receive feedhorn. Fits most off...
Tx/Rx Ku Offset Circular Polarization Feedhorn
$169.99ASC Signal long focal. Used on larger dish antennas 2.4 meter – 3.8 meter offset Ku transmit and receive feedhorn. Fits most off...
Tx/Rx Ku Offset Circular Polarization Feedhorn Wideband
$169.99ASC Signal short focal. Used on smaller dish antennas 75cm – 1.8 meter offset Ku transmit and receive feedhorn. Fits most offs...
Offset Short Focal Length Horn Only (3″Diameter)
$200.00C-band offset Horn feed offers a high-performance, cost-effective solution to the use of satellites for VSAT networks. F/D range 0.5 &...
Offset Long Focal Length Horn Only (6″Diameter)
$400.00C-band offset Horn feed offers a high-performance, cost-effective solution to the use of satellites for VSAT networks. Conical Horn On...
Ku-Band OMT Transmit Receive Cross Pol / Col Pol OMT
$649.00Ku Band RXTX Wideband Cross Pol 33 Degree F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360° Continuous -Polarity Orthogonal Linear Pola...
WR75 Transmit Reject Filter – Compact Ku-Band
$299.00Ku Band Transmit Reject Filter – Model RQT-KuTRF-V1. Pass band: 10.75 to 12.25 GHz. Reject Band: 13.75 to 14.5 GHz. Transmit Rej...
Showing all 8 results
Ka-Band Rx/Tx Feedhorn–Wikipedia
K, DBS & Ka-Band – Ku-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 17.700 – 21.200 GHz and Transmit 27.500 – 31.000 GHz. (Customizable configurations and options available: Flange, Frequency, Port, Connector, VSWR, Optics, and Low PIM) WRD180, WR51, WR42, WR34, WR28 or WR-42. Flange PBR 220 with M3 thread. F N SMA Type. – K-Band or DBS-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 13.750-14.500 GHz. Extended Ku-Band Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 14.500 – 14.800 GHz. (Customizable configurations and options available: Flange, Frequency, Port, Connector, VSWR, Optics, and Low PIM) WR42 WR75 WR-42 CPR75 CPR120 CPR 229 F N SMA Type.
K-Band / DBS-Band / Multi-Band Rx/Tx Feedhorn–Wikipedia
Showing all 4 results
Ka Tx/Rx Circular / Linear Prime Feedhorn
$4,195.00ASC Signal long focal. Used on Large earth station antennas transmit and receive feedhorn. Fits most Large Prime Focus dishes This is ...
Ka Tx/Rx Circular / Linear Prime Feedhorn
$4,195.00ASC Signal long focal. Used on Large earth station antennas transmit and receive feedhorn. Fits most Large Prime Focus dishes This is ...
Ka / DBS / K-Band Tx/Rx Circular / Linear OMT
$2,700.00ASC Signal Ka-Band OMTl. Used on smaller dish antennas 75cm – 1.8 meter offset Ku transmit and receive feedhorn. Fits most off...
Ka / DBS / K-Band Tx/Rx Circular / Linear OMT
$2,700.00ASC Signal Ka-Band OMTl. Used on smaller dish antennas 75cm – 1.8 meter offset Ku transmit and receive feedhorn. Fits most off...
Showing all 4 results
Norsat Orthomode transducer circular polarization. Phase locked Loop (PLL) Commercial LNBs. Norsat offers a wide range of BUCs, SSPAs, LNBs, LNAs, BDCs, and microwave components that can be customized to meet your specific requirements. full-wave of Ku-band (10.7-14.5) GHz orthomode transducer (OMT). The OMT designed is class 2 (symmetric OMT) which has higher fractional bandwidth and cross-polarization isolation than the class 1 OMT. Down converter: A device that takes a block of frequency and converts it to a lower frequency. The lower the noise temperature, the better the performance. DRO: (Dielectric Resonator or Dielectrically Stabilized Oscillator) Highly stable oscillator circuit employed by LNBs. Ku-Band Ka-Band C-Band and X-Band-Wikipedia
OMT – Orthomode Transducer–Wikipedia
Showing all 3 results
Ku-band Norsat OMT-KUE
This is a highly integrated three port assembly, combining an OMT with a transmit reject filter and elbow. It is small, lightweight, e...
Ku-band Norsat OMT-KUE-1
This is a highly integrated three port assembly, combining an OMT with a transmit reject filter and elbow. It is small, lightweight, e...
Ku-band Waveguide Diplexer
Rx Passband 10.95 to 12.75 GHz Tx Passband 13.75 to 14.5 GHz Rx Passband Insertion Loss at Bandedge 0.35 dB max Tx Passband Insertion ...
Showing all 3 results
Patriot Antenna systems a leading manufacturer of world-class antenna systems and Feeds. We have the capability to build antennas ranging from 1.0-meter quick-deploy models, to 12-meter earth stations. We also design and manufacture trailers for systems that require mobility.
Satellite Offset Antenna – Prime Focus Dish
Showing all 17 results
Rx Only 4-port Prime Focus C/Ku Band Linear Motorized Feed
$4,195.00C-Band Motorized Feeds: Minimum Amount .1 Degree – Max Load 17.0 lbs. – Turning Rate 4 Degrees/Sec. – Degrees of...
Rx Only 2-port Prime Focus C-Band Linear Motorized Feed
$3,400.00C-Band Motorized Feeds: Minimum Amount .1 Degree – Max Load 17.0 lbs. – Turning Rate 4 Degrees/Sec. – Degrees of...
Tx/Rx C-Band Linear Offset Motorized Feed
$3,395.00C-Band Motorized Feeds: Minimum Amount .1 Degree – Max Load 17.0 lbs. – Turning Rate 4 Degrees/Sec. – Degrees of...
Rx Only C-Band Linear 2-port Offset Motorized Feed
$3,195.00C-Band Motorized Feeds: Minimum Amount .1 Degree – Max Load 17.0 lbs. – Turning Rate 4 Degrees/Sec. – Degrees of...
Tx/Rx Ku-Band Linear Offset Motorized Feed
$3,495.00Ku-Band Motorized Feeds: Minimum Amount .1 Degree – Max Load 12.5 lbs. – Turning Rate 6 Degrees/Sec. – Degrees o...
Rx only, 2-port Ku-Band Linear Offset Motorized Feed
$3,395.00Ku-Band Motorized Feeds: Minimum Amount .1 Degree – Max Load 12.5 lbs. – Turning Rate 6 Degrees/Sec. – Degrees o...
Tx/Rx Ka-Band Linear Offset Motorized Feed
$7,999.00Ka-Band Motorized Feeds: Minimum Amount .1 Degree – Max Load 12.5 lbs. – Turning Rate 6 Degrees/Sec. – Degrees of ...
Rx Only Ka-Band Linear Offset Motorized Feed
$3,495.00Ka-Band Motorized Feeds: Minimum Amount .1 Degree – Max Load 12.5 lbs. – Turning Rate 6 Degrees/Sec. – Degrees o...
Dual-Band – Multi-Band Rx/Tx Feed Horn/OMT/TRF 2 PORT
$3,195.00Dual Band RXTX simultaneous reception of the C and Ku Band – Wideband Cross Pol 33 Degree F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rota...
Tx/Rx Large Antenna Prime Focus Multi-Band Feedhorn Linear / Circular
C-band prime focus circular feed RXTX Type-N Class III Feed or Type WR137 Electrically tested and matched, this die-cast feed assembly...
Tx/Rx Large Antenna Linear Prime Focus Wideband Feedhorn 4-Port
$17,900.00Our feeds are designed to meet your requirements. These components are robust and rugged to withstand the elements. Low insertion loss...
Ka-Band Feeds Prime and Offset
$4,970.00Patented Ka/C/Ku/DBS Band Antenna Feed for TVRO downlink signals. Multi ports – polarization – linear. Broadband SatCom fe...
Ka-Band Feeds Prime and Offset
$4,970.00Patented Ka/C/Ku/DBS Band Antenna Feed for TVRO downlink signals. Multi ports – polarization – linear. Broadband SatCom fe...
Ku Feed Transmit/Receive
$365.00F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360° Continuous -Polarity Orthogonal Linear Polarity -Tx Port WR75 – Rx Port WR75 &#...
Ku Feed Transmit/Receive
F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation 360° Continuous -Polarity Orthogonal Linear Polarity -Tx Port WR75 – Rx Port WR75 &#...
Ka-Band Motorized Potentiometer Linear Polarity Transmit/Receive Feed Assembly
F/D range 0.5 – 0.7 – Rotation ±110° motorized – Polarity Orthogonal Linear Polarity – Tx Port WR75 – ...
4 Port Single and Multi-Band Motorized Potentiometer Feedhorn Systems
$21,000.004 port C and Ku Band Motorized Feedhorn is designed to provide simultaneous reception of the C and Ku Band. The feedhorn is typically ...
Showing all 17 results
China Starwin Science&Technology Co.Ltd (China Starwin) is well positioned to provide cost &high effective solutions for
Chinese and global satellite communications requirements. As a Chinese leading antenna manufacturer, China Starwin always continue to devote to the Innovative engineering solutions by supplying evolutionary flat terminal , VSAT Antenna, on the move Rx only antenna for vehicle and shipping vessel etc. Besides that, China Starwin can also supply earth station antenna from 1.2m, 1.8m, 2.4m,3m, 3.7m, 4.5m, 5.3m,6.2m,7.3m,9m,11m,13m,16m C,Ku,X, Ka band etc. with installation and commission test ,training services, flyaway antenna, vehicle mounted antenna, on the move antenna and maritime antenna etc.
Showing all 2 results
C & Ku-band – X & Ku-band – X & Ka-band Feed Network
C & Ku-band – X & Ku-band – X & Ka-band Feed Network. OMT- duplex Feed System for satellite antenna
Duplex/OMT-Feed System
C-band & Ku-band diplexer is composed of orthomode coupler, broadband 90° phase shifter, low pass filter. This diplexer provid...
Showing all 2 results
Advantech Wireless is the leading wireless broadband communications solution provider for Commercial, Critical Infrastructure & Government and Military clients. Our smarter solutions give clients the freedom reach farther, to achieve reliable connectivity anywhere in the world, and accomplish critical missions of global significance. C-Band – Ka-Band – K-Band – Ku-Band – X-Band
Showing all 5 results
Large Satellite Prime Focus Feedhorn 2 PORT
Advantech Wireless A-Line Series model 3913TKATHA, 13.5M Ka-Band antenna system, designed and manufactured with CAD, is designed to me...
Large Satellite Prime Focus Feed Assemblies Horn OMT Transceiver
Large Antenna Multi-Band prime focus circular or Liner feedhorn assemblies. RXTX Type-N/F Class III Feed or Type WR137 Electrically te...
Tx/Rx Large Antenna Prime Focus Multi-Band Feedhorn Linear / Circular SA-22C/S
S-BAND FEED 1.5-2.5GHz, DUAL CIRC, SMA Advantech Wireless 75e DVB-S/S2 is a multi-purpose High Speed Satellite modem which is a partic...
C-Band – Ka-Band – K-Band – Ku-Band – X-Band – Multi-Port Feedhorn Linear / Circular ES-1212
FEED, DUAL KU-BAND, 11.7-12.2GHz, OR 500MHz BETWEEN 10.95-12.75GHz, RX ONLY. Advantech Wireless multi-purpose High Speed versatile a...
C-Band – Ka-Band – K-Band – Ku-Band – X-Band – Multi-Port Feedhorn Linear / Circular ES-1212
FEED, DUAL KU-BAND, 11.7-12.2GHz, OR 500MHz BETWEEN 10.95-12.75GHz, RX ONLY. Advantech Wireless multi-purpose High Speed versatile a...
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Custom Built
Custom built receive transmit feedhorns, OMT’s and waveguide components. 0.5 to 18GHz 1- HF (3 to 30 MHz) – C (4 to 8 GHz) – K (18 to 27 GHz) – Ka (27 to 40 GHz) – Ku (12 to 18 GHz) – L (1 to 2 GHz) – Less than 3 kHz (0-3 kHz) – LF (30 to 300 kHz) – MF (300 kHz to 3 MHz) – S (2 to 4 GHz) – UHF (300 MHz to 3 GHz) – VHF (30 to 300 MHz) – VLF (3 to 30 kHz) – X (8 to 12 GHz)–Wikipedia S-Band – C-Band – X-Band – Ku-Band – Ka-Band – W-Band – Q-Band – V-Band – DBS-Band – Tri-Band – S-Band – UHF-Band – L-Band – Multi-Band – Oscillator power – Crossed-Field – Military and commercial radars – Electronic warfare systems – Radar subsystems – Retrofit / Upgrade – Scientific and industrial accelerator applications.
Custom Wave Guide Feedhorn – Conical – Prime – Offset – Scalier–Wikipedia
Showing all 19 results
$2,895.00Polarization C-band RX: C Polarization C-band TX: OC Polarization X-band RX: C Polarization X-band TX: OC Interface C-band RX: WR-...
$2,895.00Polarization Ku-band RX: Remote selection of Vertical, Horizontal, RHCP and LHCP from one output port Polarization Ku-band TX: RL Pol...
$3,195.00Patented C/Ku Antenna Feed for TVRO downlink signals. Multi ports – polarization – linear. Broadband SatCom feed. C/Ku B...
$3,900.00Patented C/Ku Antenna Feed for TVRO downlink signals. Multi ports – polarization – linear. Broadband SatCom feed. C/Ku B...
$1,400.00Patented C/Ku Antenna Feed for TVRO downlink signals. Multi ports – polarization – linear. Broadband SatCom feed. C/Ku Ba...
ESR-124D-2 / ELZF-0314-W
$3,195.00Patented C/Ku Antenna Feed for TVRO downlink signals. Multi ports – polarization – linear. Broadband SatCom feed. C/Ku Ba...
ESA-46C1 / C1009-810
$3,400.00Feed, C-Band, Tx/Rx 3.7-4.2GHz & 5.825-6.425GHz, circular polarization, 1.06 axial rati0. Large Prime focus Feed. Earth Station r...
$3,195.00Patented C/Ku Antenna Feed for TVRO downlink signals. Multi ports – polarization – linear. Broadband SatCom feed. C/Ku B...
OSR-46 / OKF-0306-W
$2,800.00Frequency GHz Receive: 3.7 – 4.2 Frequency GHz Transmit: 5.9 – 6.4 Polarization RX: Remote Linear Polarization TX: Orthogonal Li...
DSF-28 / 0077-810
$1,600.00Frequency GHz: 2.0 – 8.0 VSWR Max.: 2 : 1 RF Power Watts: 200 RF Port(s): N Length (In): 15.5
$3,695.00The DRG-1840-A is a linearly-polarized wide-band dual-ridged horn antenna. It is designed to transmit or receive in the frequency band...
$7,800.00Frequency GHz Receive: 32.0 – 34.0 Frequency GHz Transmit: 35.0 – 36.0 Polarization RX: Linear Polarization TX: Orthogonal Linear ...
$7,800.00Frequency GHz Receive: 32.0 – 34.0 Frequency GHz Transmit: 35.0 – 36.0 Polarization RX: Linear Polarization TX: Orthogonal Linear ...
SNG Automatic VSAT Feedhorn Assembly CF – FA120
$2,800.00Our feeds are designed to meet your requirements. These components are robust and rugged to withstand the elements. Low insertion loss...
Field Retrofit Kits – Transmit and Receive Feed Systems
Replacement Transmit and Receive Feedhorn Retrofit Kits for Comtech, Prodelin, Patroit, ASC Signal, Channel Master, Skyware Global, Ha...
Custom Feed and OMT Assemblies
Custom antenna feeds covering C, X, Ku, S, V, W, Q and Ka bands. The devices in these assemblies are precision machined from aluminum ...
Custom Feed and OMT Assemblies
Antenna feeds for Comtech, Prodelin, Patroit, ASC Signal, Channel Master, Skyware Global, Harris, iDirect, China Starwin, iNetVu, Orbi...
Multi-Band and Complex Custom Feed and OMT Assembliesm
Rx Passband 10.95 to 12.75 GHz Tx Passband 13.75 to 14.5 GHz Rx Passband Insertion Loss at Bandedge 0.35 dB max Tx Passband Insertion ...
Custom Feed and OMT Assemblies
Custom antenna feeds covering C, X, Ku, S, V, W, Q and Ka bands. The devices in these assemblies are precision machined from aluminum ...
Showing all 19 results
C-Band Rx/Tx Feedhorn Standard and Extended–Wikipedia
C-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 3.625 – 4.200 GHz and Transmit 5.845-6.425 GHz. Extended C-Band Receive 3.400 – 4.200 GHz and Transmit 5.850 – 7.025 GHz. 2 Port 4 Port (Customizable configurations and options available: Flange, Frequency, Port, Connector, VSWR, Optics, and Low PIM) WR137 CPR137 WR229 CPR 229 WR229 R 40, CPR 229G flange. F N SMA RHCP LHCP Type.
Showing all 14 results
Insat C Band 2 ports Diplexer (Circular POL) INSAT C BAND
$3,700.00C band 2-Port Diplexer Technical Specifics Operating Frequency, GHz TX RX Standard 5.85-6.425GHz 3.625-4.2GHz Extend 5.85-6.725GHz 3.4...
Intelsat C Band 4 ports Diplexer (Circular POL)
$5,400.00C band 4-Port Diplexer Technical Specifics Operating Frequency, GHz TX RX Standard 5.85-6.425GHz 3.625-4.2GHz Extend 5.85-6.725GHz 3.4...
Standard C Band 2 port Diplexer (Circular POL)
$3,250.00C band 2-Port Diplexer Technical Specifics Operating Frequency, GHz TX RX Standard 5.85-6.425GHz 3.625-4.2GHz Polarization Circular/...
Standard C Band 4 port Diplexer (Circular POL)
$13,900.00C band 4-Port Diplexer Technical Specifics Operating Frequency, GHz TX RX Standard 5.85-6.425GHz 3.625-4.2GHz Polarization Circular/...
Standard C Band 2 port Diplexer (Linear POL)
$3,099.00C band 2-Port Diplexer Technical Specifics Operating Frequency, GHz TX RX Standard 5.85-6.425GHz 3.625-4.2GHz Polarization Linear/Line...
Standard C Band 2 port Diplexer (RX Only Circular POL)
$3,395.00C band 2-Port Diplexer Technical Specifics Operating Frequency, GHz TX RX Standard 5.85-6.425GHz 3.625-4.2GHz Polarization Linear/Line...
Standard C Band 4 port Diplexer (Linear POL)
$14,250.00C band 2-Port Diplexer Technical Specifics Operating Frequency, GHz TX RX Standard 5.85-6.425GHz 3.625-4.2GHz Polarization Linear/Line...
Standard C Band Diplexer (RX Only Linear POL)
$2,800.00C band 2-Port Diplexer Technical Specifics Operating Frequency, GHz TX RX Standard 5.85-6.425GHz 3.625-4.2GHz Polarization Linear/Line...
Extended C Band 2 port Diplexer (Circular POL)
C band 2-Port Diplexer Technical Specifics Operating Frequency, GHz TX RX Standard 5.85-6.425GHz 3.625-4.2GHz Extend 5.85-6.725GHz 3.4...
Extended C Band 2 port Diplexer (Linear POL)
C band 2-Port Diplexer Technical Specifics Operating Frequency, GHz TX RX Standard 5.85-6.425GHz 3.625-4.2GHz Extend 5.85-6.725GHz 3.4...
Extended C Band 2 port Diplexer (RX Only Linear POL)
C band 2-Port Diplexer Technical Specifics Operating Frequency, GHz TX RX Standard 5.85-6.425GHz 3.625-4.2GHz Extend 5.85-6.725GHz 3.4...
Extended C Band 4 port Diplexer (Circular POL)
C band 4-Port Diplexer Technical Specifics Operating Frequency, GHz TX RX Standard 5.85-6.425GHz 3.625-4.2GHz Extend 5.85-6.725GHz 3.4...
Extended C Band 4 port Diplexer (Linear POL) EXTENDED C BAND
C band 4-Port Diplexer Technical Specifics Operating Frequency, GHz TX RX Standard 5.85-6.425GHz 3.625-4.2GHz Extend 5.85-6.725GHz 3.4...
Extended C Band 4 port Diplexer (RX Only Circular POL)
C band 4-Port Diplexer Technical Specifics Operating Frequency, GHz TX RX Standard 5.85-6.425GHz 3.625-4.2GHz Extend 5.85-6.725GHz 3.4...
Showing all 14 results
Ku-Band Rx/Tx Feedhorn Standard and Extended–Wikipedia
Ku-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 13.750-14.500 GHz. Extended Ku-Band Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 14.500 – 14.800 GHz. 2 Port 4 Port (Customizable configurations and options available: Flange, Frequency, Port, Connector, VSWR, Optics, and Low PIM) WR75 WR-75 / R 120,Flange C 120 (circular) for input with M4 thread, WR 75/ R 120 for outputs. WR-75 R 120, Flange PBR 120 with M4 thread. F N SMA Type.
Showing all 7 results
Standard Ku Band 2 port Diplexer (Linear POL)
$2,795.00Ku band 2-Port Diplexer Technical Specifics Operating Frequency, GHz TX RX Standard 14.0-14.5GHz 12.25-12.75GHz Extend 13.75-14.5GHz 1...
Standard Ku-Band Diplexer (Circular POL)
$3,195.00Ku band 2-Port Diplexer Technical Specifics Operating Frequency, GHz TX RX Standard 14.0-14.5GHz 12.25-12.75GHz Extend 13.75-14.5GHz 1...
Standard Ku Band 4 port Diplexer (Linear POL)
$12,500.00Ku band 4-Port Diplexer Technical Specifics Operating Frequency, GHz TX RX Standard 14.0-14.5GHz 12.25-12.75GHz Extend 13.75-14.5GHz 1...
Extended Ku Band 2 port Diplexer (Linear POL)
Ku band 4-Port Diplexer Technical Specifics Operating Frequency, GHz TX RX Standard 14.0-14.5GHz 12.25-12.75GHz Extend 13.75-14.5GHz 1...
Lower Ku Band 2 ports Diplexer (Linear CO-POL)TX:12.905-13.250, RX:10.75-10.76
Ku band 4-Port Diplexer Technical Specifics Operating Frequency, GHz TX RX Standard 14.0-14.5GHz 12.25-12.75GHz Extend 13.75-14.5GHz 1...
Extended Ku Band 4 port Diplexer (Linear POL)
Diplexers from 1-40 Ghz for the commercial, military. A full array of standard filters and diplexers is available for the various comm...
Extended Ku-Band Diplexer (RX Only Linear POL)
Diplexers from 1-40 Ghz for the commercial, military. A full array of standard filters and diplexers is available for the various comm...
Showing all 7 results
Ka-Band Rx/Tx Feedhorn–Wikipedia
K, DBS & Ka-Band – Ku-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 17.700 – 21.200 GHz and Transmit 27.500 – 31.000 GHz. (Customizable configurations and options available: Flange, Frequency, Port, Connector, VSWR, Optics, and Low PIM) WRD180, WR51, WR42, WR34, WR28 or WR-42. Flange PBR 220 with M3 thread. F N SMA Type. – K-Band or DBS-Band Feedhorn Circular and Linear – Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 13.750-14.500 GHz. Extended Ku-Band Receive 10.700 – 12.750 GHz and Transmit 14.500 – 14.800 GHz. (Customizable configurations and options available: Flange, Frequency, Port, Connector, VSWR, Optics, and Low PIM) WR42 WR75 WR-42 CPR75 CPR120 CPR 229 F N SMA Type.
K-Band / DBS-Band / Multi-Band Rx/Tx Feedhorn–Wikipedia
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DBS Band Diplexer (Linear POL)
$6,595.00DBS band 2-Port Diplexer CO-POL and cross-POL Technical Specifics Operating Frequency, GHz RX TX 10.75-12.75GHz 17.3-18.4GHz Polarizat...
X/Ka-Band Diplexer (X/Ka) Multi, Mixed and Dual Band Diplexer
$7,800.00X/Ka-Band Diplexer 2, 3 and 4-Port Multi-Band waveguide filters and diplexers from 1-40 Ghz for the commercial, military. A full array...
Custom Mixed, Multi and Dual Band Diplexer (X/Ka/DBS)
Waveguide filters and diplexers from 1-40 Ghz for the commercial, military. A full array of standard filters and diplexers is availabl...
Custom Mixed Band Diplexer (C/Ku)C/Ku Dual Band
Waveguide filters and diplexers from 1-40 Ghz for the commercial, military. A full array of standard filters and diplexers is availabl...
Mixed Band 4 port Diplexer (Circular Pol Mixed-Band)
Feeds covering C, X, Ku, S, L, DBS, V, W, Q, Ka and Multi Band / Tri-Band Transmit Receive Feedhorns. Filters and diplexers from 1-40 ...
Mixed Band 2 port Diplexer (Cicular POL) Mixed Band
Feeds covering C, X, Ku, S, L, DBS, V, W, Q, Ka and Multi Band / Tri-Band Transmit Receive Feedhorns. Filters and diplexers from 1-40 ...
Showing all 6 results
RADAR – Waveguide Assemblies
Fully integrated Front End / Transmitter Assemblies to interface between Receiver, Transmitter, and Antenna. Complete solutions to complex customer requirements. Please contact us to discuss your requirements. Integrated assemblies can be designed from 1 to 60 GHz and can include both waveguide active and passive components. Each assembly is optimized to reduce inter-component interference, minimize insertion loss, and provide the lowest possible VSWR. Configuration and RF performance are tailored to each customer’s individual specifications and requirements.
Sub-millimeter waveguide – Harmonic Assembly – Radar Feed Assemblies–Wikipedia – Weather Radar Assemblies–Wikipedia Tracking (ATC) Radar Assemblies–Wikipedia
Showing all 8 results
Specialty Feeds
Our feeds are designed to meet your requirements. These components are robust and rugged to withstand the elements. Low insertion loss...
Custom Feed Systems
Custom antenna feeds covering C, X, Ku, S, V, W, Q and Ka bands. The devices in these assemblies are precision machined from aluminum ...
Rx/Tx Integrated Assemblies
Integrated assemblies can be designed from 1 to 60 GHz and can include both waveguide active and passive components, such as waveguide...
X-Band and S-Band Front End/Transmitter Assemblies
This is a highly integrated three port assembly, combining an OMT with a transmit reject filter and elbow. It is small, lightweight, e...
C-Band Front End/Transmitter Assemblies for Dual Polarized Radars
This is a highly integrated three port assembly, combining an OMT with a transmit reject filter and elbow. It is small, lightweight, e...
X-Band Front End/Transmitter Assemblies for Dual Polarized Radars
This is a highly integrated three port assembly, combining an OMT with a transmit reject filter and elbow. It is small, lightweight, e...
X-Band Front End/Transmitter Assemblies
This is a highly integrated three port assembly, combining an OMT with a transmit reject filter and elbow. It is small, lightweight, e...
S-Band Front End/Transmitter Assemblies
This is a highly integrated three port assembly, combining an OMT with a transmit reject filter and elbow. It is small, lightweight, e...
Showing all 8 results
Radio Wave Feedhorn
In parabolic antennas such as satellite dishes, a feed horn (or feedhorn) is a small horn antenna used to convey radio waves between the transmitter and/or receiver and the parabolic reflector.
Showing all 18 results
Radio Wave Feedhorn
$529.00Radio waves Feed Assembly for SPD2-5.2; SPD3-5.2; SPD4-5.2; HPD6/SPD6-5; SPD3-2.4NS. Radio Waves 101900-311CPR, 101900311CPR HP3-XXRS ...
Radio Wave Feedhorn
$529.00Radio waves Feed Assembly for SPD2-5.2; SPD3-5.2; SPD4-5.2; HPD6/SPD6-5; SPD3-2.4NS. Radio Waves 101900-311CPR, 101900311CPR HP3-XXRS ...
Radio Wave Feedhorn
$549.00Radio waves Feed Assembly for SPD2-5.2; SPD3-5.2; SPD4-5.2; HPD6/SPD6-5; SPD3-2.4NS. Radio Waves 101900-311CPR, 101900311CPR HP3-XXRS ...
Radio Wave Feedhorn
$569.00Radio waves Feed Assembly for SPD2-5.2; SPD3-5.2; SPD4-5.2; HPD6/SPD6-5; SPD3-2.4NS. Radio Waves 101900-311CPR, 101900311CPR HP3-XXRS ...
Radio Wave Feedhorn
Radio waves Feed Assembly for SPD2-5.2; SPD3-5.2; SPD4-5.2; HPD6/SPD6-5; SPD3-2.4NS. Radio Waves 101900-311CPR, 101900311CPR HP3-XXRS ...
Radio Wave Feedhorn
SP2-4.7 Feed Horn Radio Waves; SP4-4.7NS; SDP3-4.7; HPD2-4.7NS.Radio Waves 101900-311CPR, 101900311CPR HP3-XXRS – CPR connector,...
Radio Wave Feedhorn
SP2-4.7 Feed Horn Radio Waves; SP4-4.7NS; SDP3-4.7; HPD2-4.7NS.Radio Waves 101900-311CPR, 101900311CPR HP3-XXRS – CPR connector,...
Radio Wave Feedhorn
SP2-4.7 Feed Horn Radio Waves; SP4-4.7NS; SDP3-4.7; HPD2-4.7NS.Radio Waves 101900-311CPR, 101900311CPR HP3-XXRS – CPR connector,...
Radio Wave Feedhorn
SP2-4.7 Feed Horn Radio Waves; SP4-4.7NS; SDP3-4.7; HPD2-4.7NS.Radio Waves 101900-311CPR, 101900311CPR HP3-XXRS – CPR connector,...
Radio Wave Feedhorn
Radio Waves Feed Assembly SP6-5.9; HPD4-11RS; HP8-2.1NS Radio Waves 101900-311CPR, 101900311CPR HP3-XXRS – CPR connector, HOR...
Radio Wave Feedhorn
Radio Waves Feed Assembly SP6-5.9; HPD4-11RS; HP8-2.1NS Radio Waves 101900-311CPR, 101900311CPR HP3-XXRS – CPR connector, HOR...
Radio Wave Feedhorn
Radio Waves Feed Assembly SP6-5.9; HPD4-11RS; HP8-2.1NS Radio Waves 101900-311CPR, 101900311CPR HP3-XXRS – CPR connector, HOR...
Radio Wave Feedhorn
2′ Feed Assembly for SP2-5.2; SP3-5.2; 101557-4; SP6-5.2 Radio Waves 101900-311CPR, 101900311CPR HP3-XXRS – CPR connector...
Radio Wave Feedhorn
2′ Feed Assembly for SP2-5.2; SP3-5.2; 101557-4; SP6-5.2 Radio Waves 101900-311CPR, 101900311CPR HP3-XXRS – CPR connector...
Radio Wave Feedhorn
2′ Feed Assembly for SP2-5.2; SP3-5.2; 101557-4; SP6-5.2 Radio Waves 101900-311CPR, 101900311CPR HP3-XXRS – CPR connector...
Radio Wave Feedhorn
2′ Feed Assembly for SP2-5.2; SP3-5.2; 101557-4; SP6-5.2 Radio Waves 101900-311CPR, 101900311CPR HP3-XXRS – CPR connector...
Radio Wave Feedhorn
Feed Assembly SP2-2.4 Antenna. Radio Waves 101900-311CPR, 101900311CPR HP3-XXRS – CPR connector, HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL, 3′...
Radio Wave Feedhorn
Replacement Feedhorn for SP4-2/5 Antenna.Radio Waves 101900-311CPR, 101900311CPR HP3-XXRS – CPR connector, HORIZONTAL OR VERTICA...
Showing all 18 results
Hughes – HughesNet – Exede – iDirect – Direct Way
HughesNet leverages decades of experience in satellite technology and service with Smart Technologies, revolutionary service enhancements that let customers do more of what they want online without interruptions or running over monthly data allowances. – Exede satellite broadband service is the fusion of the newest and most advanced satellite in the world, cutting-edge equipment and a brand new state-of-the-art web browsing acceleration optimizing technology. We’ve also constructed an entirely new network infrastructure on the ground that further enhances your internet speeds. When you sign up as an Exede internet customer, you also get a brand new modem that contains new technology to make your web browsing faster. – iDirect offers satellite communication solutions that are designed to deliver the highest quality connectivity wherever and whenever it’s needed. Our technology is a key driver in evolving the VSAT market by helping our customers optimize networks, reduce costs, differentiate service, enter into new markets, and grow revenue.
Showing all 13 results
Hughes – Exede – iDirect – ViaSat – iNetVu – Digisat – We carry all the VSAT feed assemblies, transceivers, waveguides, OMT, BUC, and more. VSAT Parts
Corrugated feed horn and LNB on a Hughes DirecWay home satellite dish. In parabolic antennas such as satellite dishes, a feed horn (or...
HughesNet Feedhorn for .74m Ku Band Systems
$89.95This feed horn came standard with all of the .74m grey DirecWay / HughesNet dish antenna systems. (not for the original white .74m dis...
HughesNet Feedhorn for .74m Raven Ku Band Systems
$69.95This feed horn came standard with all of the HughesNet “Raven” (metal) dish antenna systems. (not for use on the original ...
HughesNet Feedhorn for .74m Prodelin Ku Band Systems
$69.95This is a new (factory sealed) spare or replacement feed horn for the HughesNet ,74m Prodelin (metal) dish antenna. This feed horn cam...
HughesNet Feedhorn for .98m Ku Band Systems
$99.95This is a new (factory sealed) spare or replacement feed horn w/ o-ring for the DirecWay / HughesNet .98m dish antennas. This feed hor...
HughesNet Feedhorn for .98m & 1.2m Prodelin Ku Band Systems
$129.95This is a new (factory sealed) spare or replacement feed horn w/ o-ring, for the DirecWay / HughesNet Prodelin .98m and 1.2m dish ante...
Excede Feedhorn VSAT Feed Ku & Ka-Band Systems
This is a new (factory sealed) spare or replacement feed horn w/ o-ring, for the DirecWay / HughesNet Prodelin .98m and 1.2m dish ante...
ViaSat Feedhorn VSAT Satellite Feed Assemblies
$289.95This is a new (factory sealed) spare or replacement feed horn w/ o-ring, for the DirecWay / HughesNet Prodelin .98m and 1.2m dish ante...
DigiSat & iNetVu Feedhorn VSAT Satellite Feed Systems
$200.00This is a new (factory sealed) spare or replacement feed horn w/ o-ring, for the DirecWay / HughesNet Prodelin .98m and 1.2m dish ante...
iDirect Ku-Band Feedhorn Satellite Feed Assemblies
$279.99This is a new (factory sealed) spare or replacement feed horn w/ o-ring, for the DirecWay / HughesNet Prodelin .98m and 1.2m dish ante...
iDirect Ka-Band Feedhorn VSAT Feed Systems
$3,199.00This is a new (factory sealed) spare or replacement feed horn w/ o-ring, for the DirecWay / HughesNet Prodelin .98m and 1.2m dish ante...
Transmit Rejection Filter
$134.00Transmit Reject Filter – Model RQT-KuTRF-V1. Pass band: 10.75 to 12.25 GHz. Reject Band: 13.75 to 14.5 GHz. Transmit Reject Filt...
Receive Rejection Filter
$199.99Receive Reject Filter Ku-Band. Model RQT-KuRRF-V1. Pass band Frequency: 12.75 to 13.75 GHz. Reject Band :DC to 12.25 GHz. Ku-band Mult...
Showing all 13 results
Feedhorn Parts and Accessories–Wikipedia
Please call if you have any questions on satellite spare or replacement parts. Be sure to view the Satellite/Parabolic page for more satellite feedhorn parts. Feedhorn: Parabolic antennas such as satellite dishes, a feed horn (or feedhorn) is a small horn antenna used to convey radio waves between the transmitter and/or receiver and the parabolic reflector. Waveguide and flange cover plate, gasket or load. Note: It is not proper to mount a gasket flange against another gasket flange. View the most commonly used spare or replacement feedhorn parts.
Showing all 12 results
C-Band Linear Transmit/Receive Assembly
$669.00Kit 811027 Screw M4x10mm 812000 O-ring Ku-band 811059 Screw M3x8mm 812016 O-ring Ka-band 812014 O-ring X-band 811057 Screw M...
HughesNet / DirecWay Feedhorn (feed horn) Seal / Screw Kit
$8.95HughesNet .98m Ku dish antenna systems. DirecWay & HughesNet .74m standard, & .74P (Prodelin) and .74R (Raven) Ku dish anten...
HughesNet / DirecWay Feedhorn (feed horn) Seal / Screw Kit
$10.95HughesNet .98m Ku dish antenna systems. DirecWay & HughesNet .74m standard, & .74P (Prodelin) and .74R (Raven) Ku dish anten...
Ku-C Offset Transceiver Funnelm
$79.00Feeds covering C, X, Ku, S, L, DBS, V, W, Q, Ka and Multi Band / Tri-Band Transmit Receive Feedhorns. Filters and diplexers from 1-40 ...
Transceiver Conical Scalar Horn
$79.00INTELSAT and other Systems. Feed stabilizer Kits and Feed support arms. Antenna Horn – We carry a full line of OMT/TRF – F...
Prime Focus Transceiver BUC LNB combo Feed Funnel / Waveguide
$149.00Feeds covering C, X, Ku, S, L, DBS, V, W, Q, Ka and Multi Band / Tri-Band Transmit Receive Feedhorns. Filters and diplexers from 1-40 ...
OMT BUC LNB Waveguide Block Down Converter Millimeter wave Feed
Feeds covering C, X, Ku, S, L, DBS, V, W, Q, Ka and Multi Band / Tri-Band Transmit Receive Feedhorns. Filters and diplexers from 1-40 ...
DCR 3500 5 Watt Ka-Band VSAT Transceiver
$1,049.00The new Skyware Global DRC 3500 is a high performance Ka-Band transceiver with unprecedented versatility. The product includes the com...
XRC33F16CD low cost, 3 Watt Ka-band VSAT Transceiver
$549.99The XRC33F16CD low cost, 3 Watt Ka-band VSAT Transceiver will operate with any industry standard VSAT modems. components consisting of...
XRC33F16CD low cost, 3 Watt Ka-band VSAT Transceiver
$549.99The XRC33F16CD low cost, 3 Watt Ka-band VSAT Transceiver will operate with any industry standard VSAT modems. components consisting of...
Space Qualified K-Ka-Band Feed 4 I/O Ports OMT/Polarizer/Diplexer
Custom antenna feeds covering C, X, Ku, S, V, W, Q and Ka bands. Tx: 20.2 to 21.2 GHz •Rx: 30 to 31 GHz Axial Ratio < 0.20 dB Return...
C, X, Ku, S, V, W, Q and Ka-Band 2, 3 and 4 Port TX/RX Feed Diplexer
C, X, Ku, S, V, W, Q and Ka band 2, 3 and 4 Port TX/RX Feed Diplexer for Andrew, Vertex or RSI antennas. This is a feed assembly desig...
Showing all 12 results