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>> Large Satellite
Large Satellite:Wikipedia |

Commercial Satellite Antennas and
Receivers. Integrated receiver with IP output. Decoder can decode an MPEG-2 or MPEG-4, HD or SD service, and deliver outstanding video and audio performance via HD/SD-SDI output or
analog composite video output.
Commercial Satellite
Receivers & Multiplex Decrypters
Integrated Receiver / Transcoders - Digital Satellite Receivers - Modulators -
ARRIS, Cisco, DVB commercial satellite receivers. Free-to-Air (FTA) Receiver and Set top boxes Free-to-Air
FTA HD+ FTA DVB-S2 PVR FULLY DVB-S/S2 COMPLIANT Digital Satellite Receivers - Modulators - Fiber
See: Receivers
See: Modulators
See: LNB
Satellite Dish-Wikipedia
- Satellite Television-Wikipedia

Motion Control Devices - Motors, Resolvers, Actuators, & Mechanisms.
Brush Type and Brushless DC Motors, Torquers. Satellite Antenna Gimbal
- Variable Reluctance Resolvers - Resolvers & Synchros - Horizon to Horizon
HH Mount
- Satellite Actuator Antenna Motors Positioner Actuator Motor Arm
Motion Control Devices Motors, Resolvers, Actuators, & Mechanisms.
DiSEqC motor - DiSEqC1.2 or USAL supported
- protocol DiSEqC 1.2/1.3 - DiSEqC1.2 - rotor - Actuator DC24-36
Super Reed Sensor - water proofing Anti-rust process - Built tough for extreme weather-
Rotation speed
12", 14", 16",
18", 24", 36" and 54"inch actuator arm designed for
large satellite dish antennas. Custom lengths linear actuators
arm motors can be manufactured upon request.
Actuator Controller / Positioner
single axis and dual axis with polarity skew control.
See: Motor
See: Actuators
See: Controllers

Wave guide flange
and feedhorns. OMT- Ortho
mode transducer. Waveguide to connector. N type F and SMA type.
RTP, RPT and more.
Ku-C-Band Feeds and Dual C Dual Ku Feedhorns.
Terminator Plate - Ti
Interference Filter -
LNB and LNBF. Norsat LNB, Dipol - Crosspol - circular and linier
polarity feedhorns available. Dual C dual Ku feedhorn. Bends,
90's, elbows and more.
Servo motors -
Gaskets - Bolt
hardware packs - H-Bends - L -Bends - Di-Electrics - 90's -
Flexies - OMT, Port Splitter, Band separator and wave guides for all
bands. Bands-Wikipedia
See: Custom Built
See: Feedhorns
See: WaveGuides

Land, air and sea based portable and in-motion satellite systems.
In-motion motorized units Pull
Along - Collapsible - Portable mobile units and flyaways. Tri-Pods - Portable units -
Carryout Satellite Systems. Transportable and Flyway Satellite
In motion or fixed
satellite dish systems. Vehicle
mounted, ground mounted or case based. Quick deploy
RV - Camper - Bus - Boat - Train -
Plane - Rugged Deploy - Terminals - Collapsible Self Pointing
- Automatic
Satellite up-link trailer - Video
production transportable - Pull Along - Collapsible - Portable
mobile units and flyaways. Satellite Vehicles - SatTrucks -
Trailers - Transportable - Pull alongs - Collapsible -
portable satellite systems
See: Portable Satellite
See: RX/TX
See: BUC's
Channel license sales Transcode MPEG 2 to MPEG 4. Rate Shaping, Transcoding. Migrate legacy ASI video outputs to an IP backbone. Cherrypicker Platform, IP-centric platform for grooming. Rate shaping the feed to save bandwidth. CAP1-SLK-RS-MP2 Rate Shaping for 3 HD or 12 SD MPEG-2 streams. MPEG2 converted to MPEG4 - Transmit the whole thing through the internet. IPTV,
license sales. Supporting both HEVC compression and DVB-S2X modulation. 4K HDR programming.
