Tx/Rx Transmit Receive

Rx/Tx – Receive Transmit Feedhorn Matrix-Wikipedia
VSWR-Wikipedia Custom antenna feeds covering C, X, Ku, S, L, DBS, V, W, Q, Ka and Multi Band / Tri-Band Transmit Receive Feedhorns. Waveguide filters and diplexers. Models from 1 up to 112GHz for the commercial, military. A full array of standard filters and diplexers is available for the various commercial and military frequency bands. Flange Type C-Band Box = WR229, WR137 C band flange (WR-137) CPR137 other is Round European = C-120 C-Band Feed WR137 Flange / wave guide “F” type or “N” Type WR-137, WR-159, WR-187, WR-229 C-Band Feedhorn = Circular Polarity or Liner Polarity C-Band 3.4 – 4.2 GHz – 5.85 – 6.425 GHz Output = 950-1450 / 1750 MHz-Wikipedia Ku box = WR-75 Ku band flange (WR-75) Ku-Band Feedhorn WR-75 Flange / wave guide “F” type “N” Type C-120, WR-42, WR-62, WR-75, WR-112-Wikipedia KA Transmit Flange = WR28 Normal Frequency = Tx-Transmit = 29.2 GHz – 31 GHz FLANGE= WR28 Rx-Receive = 19.7 GHz – 21.2 GHz FLANGE = WR42 Ka Rx/Tx Dual cir pol feed 4 port. Tx 28.35 – 30 GHz-Wikipedia . Simultaneous LHCP and RHCP WR29 Rx 18.3-20.2 GHz LHCP WR42 Crosspol >30db isolation. Potentiometer-Wikipedia Feedhorn Systems. Adjustable voltage divider Servo Motor – COUPLING VALUE=30 DB FLATNESS = +/-.25 DB Up to 1 Kilowatt at Flange and up to 700 watts at connector-Wikipedia . SMA, N, F, Flange, 4 port, 2 port and Specific frequency. Coupling Value 20 db/ 30 db – Grooved / No groove Flange. CPRG with groove CPRF Flat. C-Band Variants and Wideband / BROADBAND coverage CROSS POL = TX and RX are on different polarities-Wikipedia COL POL = TX and RX are on the same polarities-Wikipedia See WaveGuides for more flange types. Many are “off the shelf products”. Custom designed filters and diplexers for specific customer applications are available.

Ka-Band – C-Band – Ku-Band – L-Band – DBS-Band – S-Band – X-Band

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