1.2 Meter Global Skyware Type 127 Extended Ka-Band Tx/Rx Antenna System


The new Global Skyware 1.2M Tx/Rx Extended Ka-Band Antenna is a rugged, commercial quality product suitable for the most demanding applications. The reflector is constructed from glass fiber reinforced polyester (SMC) for strength and accuracy. A proprietary process developed by Global Skyware ensures high RF reflectivity as needed for Ka-Band operation. The precision Az/EI mount is made of galvanized steel for excellent corrosion resistance. This mount includes special features to increase pointing accuracy with low backlash and lockdown error. This Az/EI allows the antenna to be installed on standard (73mm) [2 7/8”] OD installation mounts. L, S, C, X, Ku and DBS-band feed configurations. Extended Ka-Band Tx Frequency 28.30 – 30.0 GHz Extended Ka-Band Rx Frequency: 18.30 – 20.20 GHz Precision Az/EI Mount One-piece precision composite Reflector

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The new Global Skyware 1.2M Tx/Rx Extended Ka-Band Antenna is a rugged, commercial quality product suitable for the most demanding applications. The reflector is constructed from glass fiber reinforced polyester (SMC) for strength and accuracy. A proprietary process developed by Global Skyware ensures high RF reflectivity as needed for Ka-Band operation. The precision Az/EI mount is made of galvanized steel for excellent corrosion resistance. This mount includes special features to increase pointing accuracy with low backlash and lockdown error. This Az/EI allows the antenna to be installed on standard (73mm) [2 7/8”] OD installation mounts. L, S, C, X, Ku and DBS-band feed configurations. Extended Ka-Band Tx Frequency 28.30 – 30.0 GHz Extended Ka-Band Rx Frequency: 18.30 – 20.20 GHz Precision Az/EI Mount One-piece precision composite Reflector
