1.2 Meter Skyware Global Type 125  Tx/Rx Class I Low Cross-Pol Antenna


The Skyware Global Type 125TX 1.2M Class I TxRx Antenna is a rugged commercial grade product suitable for the most demanding applications. The reflector is thermoset-molded for strength and surface accuracy. Molded into the rear of the reflector is a network of support ribs which strengthens the antenna and sustains its critical parabolic shape necessary for transmit performance. The reflector optics feature a long focal length for excellent cross-pol performance. The Az/El mount is constructed from heavy-gauge steel to provide a rigid support to the reflector. The Az/El mount secures the antenna to any 73-76 mm (2.88″ – 3.0″) O.D. mast and prevents slippage in high winds. A special powder paint process offers excellent protection from weather-related corrosion.

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The Skyware Global Type 125TX 1.2M Class I TxRx Antenna is a rugged commercial grade product suitable for the most demanding applications. The reflector is thermoset-molded for strength and surface accuracy. Molded into the rear of the reflector is a network of support ribs which strengthens the antenna and sustains its critical parabolic shape necessary for transmit performance. The reflector optics feature a long focal length for excellent cross-pol performance. The Az/El mount is constructed from heavy-gauge steel to provide a rigid support to the reflector. The Az/El mount secures the antenna to any 73-76 mm (2.88″ – 3.0″) O.D. mast and prevents slippage in high winds. A special powder paint process offers excellent protection from weather-related corrosion.
