2.4 Meter China Starwin Compact Earth Station Antenna


China Starwin 2.4m antenna delivers exceptional high performance for transmit/receive application in C ,Ku, ka, X band in Tx/Rx 2 port or Rx 1 port with high gain ,low noise and low microwave interference. China Starwin 2.4m antenna offers a fine reflector design with a stretch formed double contoured panels, strong back struts and hub fore ease of field alignment. The standard designed azimuth over elevation pedestal provides a cost-effective solution for ground or roof installation with high stiffness and stability , full orbital arc coverage and fine drive performance, and ensures the pointing and tracking accuracy

SKU: COM240 Categories: , Tag:


China Starwin 2.4m antenna delivers exceptional high performance for transmit/receive application in C ,Ku, ka, X band in Tx/Rx 2 port or Rx 1 port with high gain ,low noise and low microwave interference. China Starwin 2.4m antenna offers a fine reflector design with a stretch formed double contoured panels, strong back struts and hub fore ease of field alignment. The standard designed azimuth over elevation pedestal provides a cost-effective solution for ground or roof installation with high stiffness and stability , full orbital arc coverage and fine drive performance, and ensures the pointing and tracking accuracy
