Alpha Satcom 9.0M C-Band Earth Station Antenna Features Wide variety of feed options designed to meet the latest international standards. Doubly contoured, high strength, lightweight aluminum panels fabricated on new aircraft quality tooling providing exacting close tolerances. All steel structure are hot dipped galvanized after fabrication providing a thermal homogeneous structure to support operation at high frequencies. Pedestal mounted azimuth jack providing ease of relocation for 190̊ coverage in two 120̊ segments. Generous hub enclosure, 5.97 cubic meters, with easy access for inclusion of RF components. Stainless steel and galvanized metric hardware throughout. Low cost apron type foundation design including anchor bolts and embedded hardware. Three (3) years warranty. S, C, X, Ku, DBS and Ka Band Tx/Rx, 2Tx/2Rx, TT&C, 6 Port Feeds Hybrid, Hi Power and Low Pim Feeds Two and Three Axis Motorization Packages Staircase and Platform for ready access to hub Aircraft Warning Lights Lightning Protection High Wind Designs Low Temperature Designs Deicing for Feed, Reflector and Sub reflector Single or Dual TX waveguide integration from Hub to across upper Az axis Platform Mounted Hand Winch.