
LNB, C BAND PLL +/- 20 KHZ, 20 deg. 3.4 – 4.2GHz We understand your performance demands for high stability and phase locked LNBs can be extreme, so we make sure our testing procedures are even more so. Our complete line of C & Ku Band high stability and PLL LNBs are available in a variety of frequency ranges and LO stability options.


LNB, C BAND PLL +/- 20 KHZ, 20 deg. 3.4 – 4.2GHz We understand your performance demands for high stability and phase locked LNBs can be extreme, so we make sure our testing procedures are even more so. Our complete line of C & Ku Band high stability and PLL LNBs are available in a variety of frequency ranges and LO stability options.