CP130 Waveguide Dual Ku WR75 –  compact OMT


Ku-band OMT: compact OMT for Ku terminals (Rx 10.7-12.95 GHz; Tx 13.75-14.5 GHz), XPD > 35 dB. .Ortho Mode Transducers (OMT) are available for various frequencies both “off-the-shelf” or customized to accommodate a specific requirement

SKU: 114344-3 OMT 5.725-6.725 Categories: , Tag:


Ku-band OMT: compact OMT for Ku terminals (Rx 10.7-12.95 GHz; Tx 13.75-14.5 GHz), XPD > 35 dB. .Ortho Mode Transducers (OMT) are available for various frequencies both “off-the-shelf” or customized to accommodate a specific requirement
