Large Prime Focus Earth Station Rx/Tx Feedhorn Ku-Band


Prodelin Prime Focus C-Band linear feed system.  Rx Freq 3.625~4.2 GHz and Tx Freq 5.850~6.425 GHz. C-Band Linear RX / TX Mounts to 4.0 Meter to 21.0 Meter Tx Rx Antenna. Field Replaceable Component. Rotation 250°. All Components Weather Resistant. C Band Rx Flange: CPR-229 F C- Band Tx Flange: CPR-137 F 1374-xxx (Series 1374) 3.7M Center-Fed C-Band Rx/Tx Linear Cross Pol or Co-Pol, Price Includes OMT & TRF 


Prodelin Prime Focus C-Band linear feed system.  Rx Freq 3.625~4.2 GHz and Tx Freq 5.850~6.425 GHz. C-Band Linear RX / TX Mounts to 4.0 Meter to 21.0 Meter Tx Rx Antenna. Field Replaceable Component. Rotation 250°. All Components Weather Resistant. C Band Rx Flange: CPR-229 F C- Band Tx Flange: CPR-137 F 1374-xxx (Series 1374) 3.7M Center-Fed C-Band Rx/Tx Linear Cross Pol or Co-Pol, Price Includes OMT & TRF