Linear Offset C-Band Feedhorn for 3.8 Meter Antennas. Rx/Tx Prodelin Linear Polarity 2 PORT


GD Satcom Col-Pol/Cross-Pol Linear or Circular Polarity Feed Assembly for 3.8 meter C-Band Tx/Rx Offset Antennas. 50 Degree Feedhorn Linear Polarity Horizontal / Vertical circular Polarity CPR / CPL (Switchable in the field) WR137 Transmit Flange. WR229 Receive Flange. Includes OMT and TRF.C-Band Rx/Tx Linear Cross Pol or Co-Pol (“N” or WR 137)  0800-1332 Feed stabilizer kit for 2.4M 2 piece 1254-xxx 2.4M, 2pc C-Band Low Cross-pol (Dual Optics) Rx/Tx Linear Cross pol or Co-Pol (AsiaSat) 

SKU: 109VARCPFEED Categories: , Tag:


GD Satcom Col-Pol/Cross-Pol Linear or Circular Polarity Feed Assembly for 3.8 meter C-Band Tx/Rx Offset Antennas. 50 Degree Feedhorn Linear Polarity Horizontal / Vertical circular Polarity CPR / CPL (Switchable in the field) WR137 Transmit Flange. WR229 Receive Flange. Includes OMT and TRF.C-Band Rx/Tx Linear Cross Pol or Co-Pol (“N” or WR 137)  0800-1332 Feed stabilizer kit for 2.4M 2 piece 1254-xxx 2.4M, 2pc C-Band Low Cross-pol (Dual Optics) Rx/Tx Linear Cross pol or Co-Pol (AsiaSat)