Monopulse Comparators

Excellent phase and amplitude control to ensure deep nulls and minimal boresight shift with frequency. Dual polarization monopulses employing orthogonal transducers horizontal and vertical polarization in any antenna feed system. Matching polarizers to generate circular polarization are also available. AN/FPQ-6 All styles “I”, “U” and “L” or “F” both pressurized and unpressurized. MONOPULSE COMPARATORS – Monopulse Comparators for radar applications. We can offer custom solutions for peculiar electrical and mechanical requirements.

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Excellent phase and amplitude control to ensure deep nulls and minimal boresight shift with frequency. Dual polarization monopulses employing orthogonal transducers horizontal and vertical polarization in any antenna feed system. Matching polarizers to generate circular polarization are also available. AN/FPQ-6 All styles “I”, “U” and “L” or “F” both pressurized and unpressurized. MONOPULSE COMPARATORS – Monopulse Comparators for radar applications. We can offer custom solutions for peculiar electrical and mechanical requirements.