NJR2936E Ku-Band External Reference PLL LNB


Externally Referenced New Japan Radio NJRC NJR2936E Ku-Band PLL LNB New Japan Radio has been the premier manufacturer of quality LNBs for years. RF Frequency: 12.25 – 12.75 GHz L.O. Stability: Depends on Ext Ref Noise Figure: 0.8 dB IF Connector: N or F-Type Female


Externally Referenced New Japan Radio NJRC NJR2936E Ku-Band PLL LNB New Japan Radio has been the premier manufacturer of quality LNBs for years. RF Frequency: 12.25 – 12.75 GHz L.O. Stability: Depends on Ext Ref Noise Figure: 0.8 dB IF Connector: N or F-Type Female
