

The OLSON TECHNOLOGY INC. OTOR-870 Low Level Optical Receiver is optimized for those applications that require the ultimate in performance at low optical input levels. This receiver is designed for those “last mile” applications where optical power is at a premium. The unit operates from a single 5.2V supply and consumes less than 2.5 watts. Its push pull design from the detector to the output insures excellent CSO/CTB performance with full channel loading. External optical power monitor test points are available as is a power monitor connection to the power / interface connector. This feature in conjunction with the shut down feature allows for this unit to be utilized in redundant switching applications.

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The OLSON TECHNOLOGY INC. OTOR-870 Low Level Optical Receiver is optimized for those applications that require the ultimate in performance at low optical input levels. This receiver is designed for those “last mile” applications where optical power is at a premium. The unit operates from a single 5.2V supply and consumes less than 2.5 watts. Its push pull design from the detector to the output insures excellent CSO/CTB performance with full channel loading. External optical power monitor test points are available as is a power monitor connection to the power / interface connector. This feature in conjunction with the shut down feature allows for this unit to be utilized in redundant switching applications.
