Prodelin GD Satcom 4.0 Meter , 4.2 Meter & 4.5 Meter Larger Satellite Feed Support System Arms


Prodelin/General Dynamics a leading supplier of satellite and wireless communications products, feed support arms, struts or spars.  We carry a full line of all other manufacturers feed support system arms such as CHINA StarWin, ASC Signal, ASI/Alpha Satcom, Prodelin/General Dynamics and Andrews/CPI, Antesky, Advantech Wireless, PATRIOT, Challenger, DH Antenna, Anhui Antenna, Orbit and other custom feed support systems. Tri and Quad feeds support, center feed and button hook feed systems.


Prodelin/General Dynamics a leading supplier of satellite and wireless communications products, feed support arms, struts or spars.  We carry a full line of all other manufacturers feed support system arms such as CHINA StarWin, ASC Signal, ASI/Alpha Satcom, Prodelin/General Dynamics and Andrews/CPI, Antesky, Advantech Wireless, PATRIOT, Challenger, DH Antenna, Anhui Antenna, Orbit and other custom feed support systems. Tri and Quad feeds support, center feed and button hook feed systems.