Prodelin Motorized Potentiometer Feed Tx/Rx C-Band 2 PORT


Prodelin Motorized Feed Tx/Rx C Band Rx 3.625~4.2GHz Tx 5.8~6.42 GHz Applications include C, X, Ku, Ka band as well as simultaneous X/Ka, Ku/Ka, X/Ku, Ku/Ku-Reverse-DBS, S/X, C/X/Ku-Rx-only, S/Ka, L/S and L/S/X bands.

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Prodelin Motorized Feed Tx/Rx C Band Rx 3.625~4.2GHz Tx 5.8~6.42 GHz Applications include C, X, Ku, Ka band as well as simultaneous X/Ka, Ku/Ka, X/Ku, Ku/Ku-Reverse-DBS, S/X, C/X/Ku-Rx-only, S/Ka, L/S and L/S/X bands.