Romantis UHP-1000 Outdoor VSAT Communications Router 

The Romantis UHP-1000 satellite router is a universal software-defined component of highly-efficient satellite networks of any operation mode or topology. UHP-1000 can work as an SCPC modem with the satellite carrier fixed or assigned on-demand. It can also be a mini-hub or a remote station in TDM/TDMA network or any node (master or slave) in a fully meshed Hubless TDMA network..

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The Romantis UHP-1000 satellite router is a universal software-defined component of highly-efficient satellite networks of any operation mode or topology. UHP-1000 can work as an SCPC modem with the satellite carrier fixed or assigned on-demand. It can also be a mini-hub or a remote station in TDM/TDMA network or any node (master or slave) in a fully meshed Hubless TDMA network..