S-Band LNA LS-2200 Series Single Thread

LNB, KU/PLL +/-25KHZ .8DB, 10.95-12.75GH Lower Noise configuration Stability  KHz  Leakage  dBm Max  Image Rejection dBc Min Local Oscillator The PLLs +-10Khz stability are the most popular around $289.00 available in C-Band or Ku-Band

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LNB, KU/PLL +/-25KHZ .8DB, 10.95-12.75GH Lower Noise configuration Stability  KHz  Leakage  dBm Max  Image Rejection dBc Min Local Oscillator The PLLs +-10Khz stability are the most popular around $289.00 available in C-Band or Ku-Band
